Interfaith Eden Project
Every living being/life form has one goal.
The goal of the oak seed is to become a mature Oak tree.
The goal of the apple seed is to produce mature/ripe apples.
The way forward is to go back to the beginning...before the trauma....think about that time when you felt most loved...What is required of us is the duty to do what is right for all.
Welcome to what I hope will be more than just a website of my selected thoughts, research, and proud accomplishments. My goal is that this be a place where inspiration is your experience that will fan the flame of your passion for living your life fully.
Did you know it can still be alive even after lightning strikes an 800-year-old Redwood tree standing 350 feet tall? Know that we are more significant than life’s tragedies, mistakes, and disappointments. By discovering our interconnectedness with all of Creation, I’ve found the Source of my strength.
Here, you are welcome to experience my blog entries, preview some of my research projects, view a selected list of recommended readings, and jam to some environmental justice music reflecting a more authentic social justice for all creation.